Be Conscious About Your Health - 5: 'EYE'

After getting lots of love from my dear readers who constantly visiting my site and shower their love with their amazing comments, I keep writing in this health series for every necessary organs' issues and solutions. In this Health Series We are going to get aware of the eyes related problems and with the affordable cure for it. The reason I choose Eyes in this series is that we all are unaware of the fact that in this 'Corona Pandemic' the second large disease has grown is of Eye related as we are too busy with our cell phone and TV in lockdown, work from home, Online Classes of students. These are all indirectly damages our eyes. Hence to make awareness in people, I'm selected this topic. So share as much as you can because your small efforts will makes others life worthier. Some of the most common causes that damage eyesight include: 1) Aging 2) UV Sunlight 3) Excessive Use of Alcohol 4) Too much screen time 5) Overuse of Eye drops 6) Contact Lenses 7) Smoking 8) ...