Precautions for covid-19

Below mention all the points will definitely protect your body upto 99℅ to get affected by the corona virus.
1) Maintain social distancing.
2) Always wear mask or use handkerchief to cover your mouth.
3) Whenever you do any work then after finishing that work wash your hand by soap or in case of little things use sanitizer.
4) Try to take more green vegetables in your diet.
5) Eat Fruits which can boost your immunity like orange, Amla and many more.
6) Do yoga in both the time in morning as well as in the evening.
7) Try to be at home only if not necessary to walk out or if you can perform your work with home also.
8) Whatever you buy from outside wash it properly for 5 minutes if it is fruits and vegetables and if it is other than that so sanitize it.

In the last "Stay Home Stay Safe".


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