Don't wait for the corona vaccine do this and conquer the virus.
Our immune system is of utmost importance and plays a significant role in keeping us fit and healthy.
In this fast moving world where one hardly gets time to take care of himself, here we bring to you a complete yoga routine that you can follow to maintain your immunity.
- Seasonal allergies indicate imbalance in the immune system.
In this fast moving world where one hardly gets time to take care of himself, here we bring to you a complete yoga routine that you can follow to maintain your immunity.
Now a days not only corona cause a huge impact on human body but the stress due to it by different means also shattered down our health, so one should require a meditation and different asana to tackle this current situation. So here are the instructions which makes you mentally as well as physically fit and fine.
- Seasonal allergies indicate imbalance in the immune system.
- The symptoms would be stuffy nose, ears and sinuses, inflamed eyes, headaches, sore throat and difficulty in breathing, caused by the mucus- producing process of the immune system. Mucus is released from the body to prevent foreign bacteria from entering it.
- Emotional stress can also cause low immunity.
- The thymus gland would be the focus in the asanas.
- People with low immunity should practice asanas at a slow and gentle pace, paying a lot of attention to breathing.
Warm up routine:
- Perform soft rhythmic jumps 50 times.
Warm up routine:
- Perform soft rhythmic jumps 50 times.
- Swing the arms forward and backward powerfully 10 times.
- Circle the shoulders front and backward- 10 times.
- Twist the waist with arms open and stretched 5 times each side.
- Gently circle the knees, left and right sides,5 times each.
- Circle the ankles clockwise and anti-clockwise with the front sloe pressed to the ground and heel raised 5 times each.
Pranayama Routine:
- Sit in a comfortable, relaxed position. Calm your mind and observe your thoughts.
Pranayama Routine:
- Sit in a comfortable, relaxed position. Calm your mind and observe your thoughts.
- Perform Ujjayee for 5 minutes.
- Perform Ujayee with Antara Kumbhaka 9holding breath after inhaling) for 5 minutes.
- Perform Anuloma Viloma for 10 minutes.
- Perform Kapalabhati (150 blows) with adequate rest in between.
- Urdhva Mukha

- Dhanurasana : Follow with relaxing the back. Lie with chest down and move feet up and down with bent knees.

- Vajrasana

- Ushtrasana

- Baddha Konasana

- Gomukhanasana

- Navasana

- Purvottanasana

Cooling-Down Routine:
- Supta Padangustasana 1

- Sarvangasana

- Halasana

- Setu Bandhasana

- Shirasana

- Matsyasana

Sit in Padmasana for a count of 5 breaths before leaving the mat.
- Important:
Please make sure that all the asanas and Pranayama techniques have been taught to you by your yoga guru or you are well enough to do this. A doctor's permission could be essential in some case.
- Dhanurasana : Follow with relaxing the back. Lie with chest down and move feet up and down with bent knees.
- Vajrasana
- Ushtrasana
- Baddha Konasana
- Gomukhanasana
- Navasana
- Purvottanasana
Cooling-Down Routine:
- Supta Padangustasana 1
- Sarvangasana
- Halasana
- Setu Bandhasana
- Shirasana
- Matsyasana
Sit in Padmasana for a count of 5 breaths before leaving the mat.
- Important:
Please make sure that all the asanas and Pranayama techniques have been taught to you by your yoga guru or you are well enough to do this. A doctor's permission could be essential in some case.
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