Can Memers earn money ? And if yes then how much ?

Now a days one new platform has arrived for the comedy and that is very well known as 'Memes'. Creating memes from one corner of the world and then sharing far corner of the world is just take few seconds. And if the sarcasm is at high level of comedy then it just take less than a day to become more viral on the internet. Memes are created by a Memer. Here are the some famous meme ever on internet is taken to show you:

Now Let's Come To the Main topic that Could Memer earn money by creating just memes ?
If you think that Memers just create memes for their happiness and enjoy with sharing it then you are true but happiness is not going to be stay longer if it becomes hurdle in anyone's life growth.
Now then why Memers continue to stick with their work of creating memes because once it becomes viral over the internet then it icreases the followers on their meme pages either on Facebook or Instagram or on Both.
Then many online medium such as for Marketing of goods, education sector or various other online influencer contact Memers for promotion of their products or advertising their products on Memers page because Memers have a large audience who follow them and visit their site everyday. So among them any interested person will participate in the program which was promoted or advertised by Memers page.
For this process Memers charge amount from the one who make Memers to promote or advertise their products on their page. Now it is on Memers' demand that for what amount they will going to promote someone if the Memer is in good position and large number of audiences visit their page everyday then the demand of amount is also very high.
So one well established Memer can earn upto 1.5 to 2 lac rupees per month which is more than a software engineer. But it will take time to reach this position, if you have sarcastic mind and dedication towards this art then the door is open for you.

Stay tuned with me for what you should know.


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