How to get rid of anxiety


What is Worry?

Being worried is a natural phenomenon. It is felt when the person encounters any real or perceived threat. A person may experience anxiety just before speaking in front of a crowd, facing the camera, or entering an exam.

For some people, this is the more common and frequent experience of feeling anxious. This causes interference in their daily life work and relationships etc.

Why does Worry happen?

There is no harm in thinking. But what does thinking mean? An idea started and went beyond a limit, it is called anxiety.

Mental health problems cause anxiety. For example Stressful events, Health issues, Use of drugs, Personality reasons.

How to stop worrying?

In the normal state, when we get nervous and feel unrealistic anxiety and tension. You can also practice some ways to manage anxiety and some of the following methods to your liking.

Dietary changes: The person must cut down on certain specific food and beverages including caffeine, namely coffee, tea, cola, energy drinks and chocolate. Caffeine is a mood-altering drug, and triggers symptoms of anxiety disorder.

Rest and Good Sleep: To cope with the situation better, make sure you are getting good rest and follow a bedtime routine.

Physical Fitness : Regular exercise and better sleep practice improve mental health and reduce stress-causing brain chemicals.

Meditation and Yoga: Yoga is a therapeutic option for depression, and it also has positive effects on anxiety disorders.


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