Role Of Platelets, WBC And RBC In Human Body

In this Health Series, a very important topic have been choosen now, that is role of Platelets, WBC And RBC in Human Body.
Along with muscular body, it is also very necessary to be fit from inside. Then only it is said that the person is fit and fine and having a stable body.
So keeping above point in mind one should have the proper value of Platelets, WBC and RBC in their desired range.

So let's start with the Platelets.

Platelets are colourless cell fragments in our blood. They are made in our bone marrow. Bone marrow contains stem cells which produce RBC, WBC, and Platelets.

Role Of Platelets:
It control bleeding in our bodies by forming clotting near the wounded area.

To know about the range of Platelets, WBC and RBC one should have to visit Laboratory for the report of Complete Blood Count ( CBC ) test of blood sample.

Range of Platelets:
1,50,000 to 4,50,000 Platelets per microlitre.

Role Of WBC ( White Blood Cell ):
It originate in bone marrow and circulate throughout the bloodstream. They are an important part of immune system.
These cells fight with the bacteria, and viruses to protect ourselves from getting ill.

Range Of WBC:
4,500 to 11,000 WBCs  per microlitre.

Role Of RBC ( Red Blood Cell ):
It carry oxygen from our lungs to the rest of our body. And back to the Lungs with Carbon dioxide for exhaled.

Range Of RBC:
4.5 to 6.5 million RBCs per microlitre.

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