Vegetarian Diet and Exercise to boost Testosterone naturally

 In this health series we have cover many health issue about eyes, protein diet, WBC, RBC and platelets etc.

Now we will cover the topic ' Effects and Benefits of Testosterone'.

Now, We all knew the testosterone  meaning but unaware of its benefits and side effects due to the less production in body.

Decrease in Testosterone can cause several issues like:

1) Increased body fat.

2) Less strength per mass of muscles.

3) Fragile Bones.

4) Increased fatigue.

5) Effects on cholesterol metabolism.

6) Decrease in concentration power.

7) Decreased body hair.

8) Lower self-confidence.

9) Depression

10) Decreased Sex drive.

Sufficient or increased level of Testosterone can have many benefits such as:

1) Increased Memory power.

2) Increased Self-confidence.

3) Increased in thinking ability.

4) Keeps positive mood.

5) Healthy Heart and good circulation of blood.

6) Less fat, more Muscle.

7) Stronger Bones.

8) Improved Sexual Activity.

9) Increased Stamina and Strength.

10) Maintain good quality of hair ( Reduced hair fall ).

11) Prevent from Early Ageing.

Diet and Exercise to increased Testosterone naturally :

1) Pomegranates

2) Ginger

3) Milk

4) Orange

5) Cereals

6) Green Vegetables

7) Nuts and seeds

8) Onions

9) Other vegetarian food rich in zinc, vitamin D, and magnesium.

The Exercises are 

1) Cardio and lose weight.

2) Regular Exercise.

3) Reduce taking stress

4) Include Leg Exercise once or twice a week.

5) Resistance training like weight lifting.

6) 6-7 hours of sleep.

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